AMS 5553 is a specification for Nickel 201 Sheet and Strip
Nickel 201 is used for spinning and cold forming because of its low base hardness and lower work-hardening rate. It is preferred to Nickel 200 for applications involving exposure to temperatures above 600°F (315°C).
Nickel 201 is approved for construction of pressure vessels and components under ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIII, Division 1. Nickel 201 is approved for service up to 1250°F.
Nickel 201 has the excellent corrosion resistance characteristic of Nickel 200. Because it is a low-carbon material (0.02% max.), alloy 201 is not subject to embrittlement by intergranularly precipitated carbon or graphite when held at temperatures of 600° to 1400°F (315° to 760°C) for extended times, provided carbonaceous materials are not in contact with it. It is, therefore, preferred to Nickel 200 in all cases where temperatures exceed 600°F (315°C).